While it isn't really the case, bees kind of have a social need. The higher it goes, the less likely you are to be stung when they are calm. Get the friendship meter to 20-30% and you'll unlock some cool abilities. You can see the meter when you mouse over the bee box - their mood is also stated, along with the current levels of honey. Use Bond with Bees while NOT wearing a Beekeeper suit in order to get your bees used to your Sim and begin to establish a friendship. You can be stung up to 5 squares away from the bee box, so keep them happy! The longer they're infested, the more enraged they become.

Use mite treatment ($15) to clear it up and put them back in a good mood. I'd like to invite people to check out my content and, if you like what I'm doing, subscribe! Mites will infest the hive. I now have over 125 videos on Youtube and am nearing 100k subscribers. Caring for Bees & Bee Moodġ0 Million Views! My YouTube channel has grown a lot the last 6 months. This last thing is the most important use of the beekeeper suit since the bees are likely to be angry due to the mites. You can't bond with bees while wearing it, nor collect swarm (more on these below) but you can collect honey without fear of a sting, and apply mite treatments. What is more, you're much less likely to get stung while wearing it. It counts as cool/hot weather clothing depending on the season so your immunity to temperature changes is increased. This special protective gear doesn't only protect against bee stings, but also hot weather. Bond with your bees regularly and avoid disturbing them (the mean interaction) to keep your bees calm.Īt any time, you can change into the beekeeper suit by clicking the bee box. Beekeeper Suit Bees get Enraged when they haven't been cared for and when mites have infested them. Only one sting at a time counts, so you can keep it up if you get stung. Accept this - the Uncomfortable moodlet from a sting is only 2 hours, and you can overcome it by having an otherwise happy Sim do the bonding. When you first place them, you'll have no relationship with your bees and are very likely to get stung when interacting with them. Purchase Bertie's Bee Box from the Buy Mode sort by room > Outdoors > Outdoor Activities tab, where you'll also find handy gardening objects.